One of my favourite acronyms is TLA. There are a lot of meanings to this, like the following logo, or as I prefer, a TLA: Three Letter Acronym!

Since there are a lot of acronyms and initialisms in personal finance (many of which are TLAs), I have included the following list to capture many of the ones that we will use here on LLB (aka LoonieLogic Blog):
ACB – Adjusted Cost Base
CAPE – Cyclically Adjusted Price-Earnings ratio
CDIC – Canadian Deposit Insurance Corporation
CCA – Capital Cost Allowance
CCP – Canadian Couch Potato
CPP – Canadian Pension Plan
CRA – Canada Revenue Agency
ETF – Exchange Traded Fund
FI – Financial Independence
FIRE – Financial Independence, Retire Early
GIC – Guaranteed Income Certificate
GIS – Guaranteed Income Supplement
LIRA – Locked-In Retirement Account
MER – Management Expense Ratio
OAS – Old Age Security
OSC – Ontario Securities Commission
RDSP – Registered Disability Savings Plan
RESP – Registered Education Savings Plan
RRIF – Registered Retirement Income Fund
RRSP – Registered Retirement Savings Plan
S&P500 – Standard & Poor’s index of the top 500 publically traded US companies
TFSA – Tax Free Savings Account TSX – Toronto Stock Exchange